After a time, the moon came up, a narrow crescent off to the northeast, low and silvery.
Parting the leaves revealed that the new moon was rising, a narrow crescent, just about to disappear again as it crossed the Arc of Heaven.
Indeed, even when Venus is brightest in the Earth's sky, we are actually seeing only a narrow crescent.
They only occur just prior to and after totality, when a narrow solar crescent acts as an anisotropic light source.
For a moment his eyes rolled upward until only a narrow crescent of pale green showed beneath their lids.
By the light of the moon's narrow crescent, Kahlan could see Cara's scowl return.
Before him on the immense observation screen Jupiter came into view as a narrow crescent.
Under the man's grubby fingernails, narrow crescents of razor blades were adhesive taped.
The Earth dwindled to a brilliant green disc, while ahead of them the narrow crescent of approaching Venus could be seen growing gradually.
On that day, the fourth day, I perceived through the narrow crescent of the lifted manhole cover that the weather had become somewhat stabilized.