The profile of the skull is continued by a narrow crest sticking out at the back.
His nose told him he was not alone well before he reached the narrow crest of the ridge, told him who was up there.
Some species have spade-like heads, while others have a narrow crest on their heads.
As he crossed the narrow crest and followed the descending trail, he discovered that the wind was less furious on this side of the ridge.
This offers a fine expedition along a narrow crest in exciting surroundings and provides excellent views throughout .
Between these fenestra is a narrow sagittal crest.
There is a long narrow crest which is often difficult to see.
Its ascospores form long appendages that emerge radially from narrow stellate crests.
There is a narrow elevated blackish crest on the head, becoming buff on the thorax.
It was an easy climb up the crater wall to its narrow crest.