"In general, charges of being soft or hard on crime are foolish, given the very narrow differences between the parties."
First Capital is also an arbitrager, trying to make money from the narrow differences in prices for securities.
Analysts say that the hard line taken by each side overshadows the narrow differences between the positions.
Lawmakers from both parties are meeting to narrow differences in proposed spending for the 2005-6 state budget, which they hope to deliver by April 1.
All through our childhood there was a certain tension between us, fed by the narrow difference in our ages.
But behind those apparently narrow differences were years of simmering resentment on both sides.
Why, we can't even tolerate anything but the narrowest differences of views within our own race.
A working group later met for two hours in an attempt to narrow differences on medium-range missiles.
They met nine times since early February to narrow differences.
The two leaders will try to narrow differences over cutting conventional forces in Europe and reducing long-range nuclear arms.