The overflow from the pools drained away in a narrow gutter.
Smoking snot drizzled from its flared nostrils and ran like hot lava in the narrow gutters between its rolled-back muzzle and its gums.
Its quarter mile of gray cement and stone corridors are lined with narrow gutters where condensation from the rocks pours off.
It was a tricky business, and hard on the knees and hands, but finally they reached the narrow gutter and felt the parapet against their feet.
Gene reckoned that if he climbed up there, he could probably get his footing on the narrow gutter that extended tinder the window from the verandah roof and get a glimpse through a small crack in the drapes.
The ledge was not difficult for the assassin, who was used to running along the high, narrow gutters of the great houses of southern cities.
Harsh neon strips lit a floor of white tiles, slightly sloping on either side down to a narrow gutter in the centre.
Their fetters prevented them from squatting over the narrow gutter that ran along the foot of the bulkhead, designed to carry away their sewage.
The street they'd been on was no more than a narrow gutter, but it was a well-lit highway by comparison with the narrow alley they ducked into.
The wall coping might hide even a full-sized man if he lay flat, but the narrow gutter between wall and roof was an impossible position from which to shoot at targets across the courtyard.