The journey from Germany was extremely difficult due to narrow locks and low bridges.
The lock flight has a staircase, and at the highest lock the remains of older narrow locks can be seen.
The original narrow locks, replaced by three wide beam ones in the 1930s, are still there alongside.
On the lower level Philip thrust his second key into the lock of another door, narrow and low.
But getting our lumbering boat into the narrow, windswept lock was like trying to thread a needle in front of a fan.
He was questioned about the decision not to build a lift at Watford but instead to renew the narrow locks.
Isis Lock was rebuilt as a narrow lock in 1844.
A few narrow locks imitate wide locks in having paired gates at both ends.
Previously, narrower locks from the firm of Nettlefields were used.
There were stretches when the saxophonists pushed against each other while riding the rhythm, like two barges trying to enter a narrow lock.