For a moment her thoughts lifted from the narrow rut of her troubles.
So far from being a mutinous movement, it is really a very Conservative one; it is in the narrowest rut of the British Constitution.
Otherwise, one must continue to jog in the narrow rut.
Mistress Cann hauled back the reins, and the cart slipped off the stones into a narrow, muddy rut.
But when he reached the crest, he, too, stopped cold and stared The narrow rut of a trail they had fol- lowed led down an incline and across flat ground.
She had to follow the path, though it had become a narrow rut which made her feet feel shackled; her sense of direction had fled.
The narrow rut of a trail they had followed led down an incline and across flat ground.
All three look through the single kitchen window into the yard where a small wagon has drawn up, heavily laden enough that the tires leave narrow ruts in the yard clay.
The driveway is a narrow rut covered in bushes.
Stripping the patient of a personal context reflects what Walker Percy called "cowpaths" - the narrow ruts of language and thought that characterize professional training.