Her fingers strayed to the narrow crimson seam of the knife scar along her own face.
Pushing the gun forces caulk into narrow seams better than pulling, but either technique is correct.
The toes of his boots were jammed into a narrow mortar seam with all the force he could apply.
The complex geology and narrow seams made coal extraction difficult.
Then, along seams too narrow heretofore to see, a diagonal split propagated.
Maybe all interconnected by these narrow seams in back.
Yet this second viewing confirms that Umeda works a narrow seam.
They located it in place an hour later, halfway up the canyon's side, but it was only a short, narrow seam.
At about that time also, five miners were lost in the collapse of a very narrow and unproductive seam which they were working.
Seven miners were working a narrow seam and using explosives at the coal face.