In another moment, Dorian had shaped the rest of the coins into four narrow spikes and what looked like a bowl.
It's been crossed with a swordfish, so has a narrow spike pointing ahead of it.
The flowers are dense and narrow spikes 25-35 cm (10-15") long.
Drizzt moved under one narrow spike of a stalactite, its tip hanging no more than four feet from the floor.
The inflorescence is a very narrow spike up to 40 to 45 centimeters long covered in pointed bracts.
The inflorescence is a narrow spike up to 60 centimeters long.
The numerous male flowers form a narrow spike at the top of the vertical stem.
The feathers were narrow fractal spikes based in muscle tissue.
The flowers are borne on narrow spikes, and are a deep violet purple.
A narrow dark spike protruded from the shrinking cluster of statements.