In the restricted area of his vision he could see that there were still a few of the strange inhabitants moving about the narrow thoroughfares.
Another avenue; a short run down a narrow thoroughfare that was lined with old brownstone buildings.
As the Mask's cab shot across a side street, a coupe catapulted from the narrow thoroughfare.
Across the narrow thoroughfare, Harry saw the parked roadster.
Now, he led the way along a narrow thoroughfare that was comparatively level for this hilly portion of the city.
The crowd had thinned by the time he reached the narrow thoroughfare, which was good, and no one paid him any attention.
It swerved through a narrow thoroughfare that showed suddenly before the headlights.
As a result of these differing accounts, some local tour guides attribute the name to "feeling one's way along a dark and narrow thoroughfare".
Cars were parked along the curb, lining one whole side and turning the narrow thoroughfare into a one-way street.
Given the narrow thoroughfare, it was difficult to distinguish all the detail.