Twice, after dark, we went caiman hunting, moving quietly up narrow tributaries in Zodiacs and shining flashlights on sandy river banks.
For two hours more they kept to the frozen creek-bed of Norway, then turned into a narrow and rugged tributary that flowed from the south.
Part of the stream forked off down a narrow tributary.
Nearby the narrow tributary of the Ahloorm gurgled over cobbles, its lullaby taking Alemar to other lands, where one never worried about getting enough to drink.
In little narrow tributaries that we passed night seemed already to have fallen, though the sun which had disappeared from us had not yet set.
They stepped off from a line parallel to Winebrenner's Run, a narrow tributary of Rock Creek to the southeast of town.
She rummaged for a pencil, found one under a map, and sketched a trestle that would span a narrow tributary of the South Platte River.
So when he saw a narrow tributary to his right, he curved toward its mouth.
The western border of the district is the Oste, a narrow tributary of the Elbe.
A narrow tributary extended off the main waterway.