Others may have some dryness in the nasal mucous membranes.
Shebanging involves spraying the dissolved drug into the nose to be absorbed by the nasal membrane.
This new species has a single jaw with enormous teeth and was found up the nose of a person, attached to their nasal mucous membrane.
With months of overuse, the sprays choke off blood flow to the nasal membranes and damage them.
Try alternative ways to moisturize lips, throat, and dry nasal membranes.
A dry climate or heated indoor air dries out your nasal membranes.
Meanwhile, the women were given a nasal spray to use for two weeks before the test to protect their nasal membranes from infection.
She knew instantly it had begun in the nasal membranes, and she followed its path down to his tiny lungs.
The twitching did nothing to alleviate the irritation of his nasal membranes.
I found my nasal mucous membranes far less sensitive than before.