"nasty" in Polish — inglés-Polish dictionary | Mirar "nasty" in inglés

nasty , **

the image to "nasty" in Polish
  1. niegrzeczny, okropny, irytujący (np. zachowanie)
    I'm ashamed of my son's nasty behaviour.
    Her behaviour is nasty, she has no class.
  2. nieprzyjemny, złośliwy, niemiły (o osobie)
    When he was asked to leave he got nasty.
    She's nasty. She yells at people and offends everyone.
  3. okropny, nieprzyjemny (np. doświadczenie, sytuacja)
    It was a nasty experience when I got fired.
    My parents quarrelled and it was a nasty situation.
    Their divorce was nasty. Everyone is happy that it's over.
  4. wstrętny, paskudny (np. wygląd, zapach, smak)
    This soup has a nasty taste, I won't eat it.
    This fish has a nasty smell.
    Don't eat this meat, it is nasty.
    link synonym: filthy
  5. paskudny (mokry lub zimny, o pogodzie)
  6. paskudny, poważny (np. choroba, uraz)
    I caught a nasty cold, I have to stay in bed for a week.
    The cut on my leg is nasty. I have to go to the doctor.
  7. niebezpieczny, szkodliwy (np. chemikalia, trucizna)
    This substance is nasty. Don't use it.
  8. sprośny (np. osoba, żart)

similar to "nasty" in inglés — Polish-inglés dictionary | Mirar "nasty" in Polish
