All ties to the natal family would be severed, and the child would become an heir and full member of the adopted family.
She should not and cannot be sexually active in her natal family and hence is regarded while she is there as both benign and pure.
Her natal family may continue supporting her even against her husband.
Primarily this served the natal family, allowing her property to stay in the father's possession.
Born in Burlington, Iowa, Lamson accompanied his natal family as Oregon Trail pioneers of 1847.
Traditionally, the dowry was considered a woman's share of the family wealth, since a daughter had no legal claim on her natal family's real estate.
A "stem family" is one in which a married child is inextricably linked to his natal family in a common household.
The natal family is no longer the sole keeper of identity or ancestry.
Dakshin, depicted in legend as an arrogant king, did not get on with his renunciative son-in-law and cut his daughter away from her natal family.
It signifies the importance of the role of the mother's natal family at the wedding rituals, and reinforces the alliance established at her (the mother's) own wedding.