As the nation awaited greater understanding of the stunning Oklahoma crime, politicians returning from spring recess arrived ready with condemnations, analyses and promises of fast remedies.
The entire nation, together with several interested foreign powers, awaited the President-elect's words on what exactly his policy toward the new Confederacy would be.
They argue that scientists are divided over the effects of acid deposition, and that the nation should await clean-coal technology being sought under a $2.5 billion research program.
"The nation awaits the immediate and rigorous punishment of the guilty."
The whole nation awaits you, Abu Ammar, we are with you.
No force in all the world can prevent Bhelliom from coming forth into the sunlight again, and whole nations await its coming.
And the nation awaits a name, a label that will evoke the nature of these times.
The Fund's members agreed last year to increase their contributions, but because the United States is the largest contributor, other nations await a cue from Congress.
Both infidels and true believers abound as the nation awaits the opening ceremony Saturday.
A nation edgily awaits her success or failure in Atlanta.