All civilized nations, including the Star Kingdom, had banned them long ago.
Many nations have implemented major initiatives to cut smoking, such as increased taxation and bans on smoking in some or all public places.
Since the single case of mad cow disease was announced last week, more than 30 nations have banned imports of American cattle.
While mercury thermometers were once found throughout the world, many nations have banned them due to health concerns.
The Himalayan nation of Bhutan has banned the sale of tobacco outright.
By 1996, almost all nations had banned chlorofluorocarbon refrigerants and commercial production ceased.
Article 3 of the Convention may require nations to ban possession of drugs for personal use:
British consumers and retailers are boycotting the beef, and 15 nations have banned its import.
The Andean nations have since banned its use throughout the region.
Some nations ban track-two efforts like this when they run counter to official foreign policy.