Here, around one table, were the United States, Russia and the six nations bordering Afghanistan.
Guyana is a small nation bordering Venezuela where the largest ethnic group is of Indian descent.
In the period from about 1895 to 1941, Japan encouraged emigration of its citizens to nations bordering the Pacific Ocean, including the United States.
This plan was initiated despite strong opposition from the nations bordering the Indian Ocean, which was expressed for example in a joint statement issued in 1974.
As a result, the areas of these nations bordering Vietnam would see heavy combat during the war.
Mediterranean nations are those nations bordering the Mediterranean Sea.
Austria is a land-locked nation bordering Germany, Italy and several of the Baltic countries.
The humanitarian situation was not as acute in the other nations bordering Rwanda, though still very challenging.
Borderlands, the: The nations bordering the Great Blight.
On the other hand Darlanis is an "ambitious" woman "dangerous" to those who live in nations bordering the Empire of California now.