Eventually the Trollocs were slain or driven back into the Great Blight, but some nations ceased to exist, while others were almost depopulated.
Countries, nations, and governments all ceased to exist as the last members of the human race fled south to survive.
Developed nations ceased the production and use of chlorofluorocarbons and the atmospheric abundance and consequent ozone depletion are generally on the decrease.
The very nation which built her has ceased to exist.
When a nation ceases to want things fervently or directs its desires toward an ideal that is concrete and limited, its potential virility is impaired.
Recently, some nations, such as the Netherlands, have completely ceased analog transmissions on certain media, such as television, for the purposes of the government saving money.
I've often thought of going into the question: Why a nation ceases to be poetic.
Britain will simply become nothing more than an offshore corporate entity and Britain as a nation will cease to exist.
Eventually the Trollocs were driven back into the Great Blight, but some nations ceased to exist, and others that survived were almost depopulated.
Its nations have ceased to reproduce, and their populations have stopped growing and begun to shrink.