Both nations claimed the region based on earlier exploration and the "right of discovery".
During that time, while only five different nations claimed the area, ownership changed among them at least nine times.
As soon as one nation claims the right to take preventive action, other countries will naturally do the same.
Two hostile nations both claim a piece of territory.
Needless to say, several nations are already claiming a piece of this enormous pie.
Every nation in the Caucasus region claims it as part of its national cuisine.
Just a few years ago, the nation was claiming victory over drunken driving.
No other nation ever claimed such a nonsensically impossible origin.
There was little evidence today of huge casualties, though each nation has claimed to have killed, wounded or taken prisoner 25,000 people since Friday.
Interestingly, many nations claim him as their own, he was the son of an American sea captain and a French woman.