The nation exported US$2 million-worth of movies to the United States last year and imported $35.9 million-worth".
In 2009, several hundred thousands pomegranate trees were planted and the nation exported some 50,000 tons of the fruit.
The products their nations exported - copper, tin, coffee, rice and other commodities - were buying less and less of the high-value-added goods they wanted to import.
Foreign lenders pressure impoverished nations to export surplus food stocks to earn hard currency.
Quietly, without stirring opposition in Congress, he kept American markets open to ever-larger floods of imported goods, which helped afflicted nations export their way back to health.
At present, several African nations that do not produce diamonds export them in large numbers.
That was back when the market was still trying to cope with the crisis, when the rich warm nations were still exporting to their poor frozen neighbours.
These same nations now export cars and computers, and the economists have revised their views of sweatshops.
When taunted about the tidy economies of other Latin American countries, some Brazilians will snap back that their nation "exports a Chile" every year.
Since the nation does not export enough goods or services to pay for its imports, foreigners have to accept dollars in exchange for what they sell to Americans.