In particular, he said, the developing nations objected to what they saw as a move to give large contributors more power than smaller ones.
Muslim nations have objected to this symbol due to its resemblance to the Christian cross.
Many third-world nations, too, have objected that it is unfair for rich countries to buy their way out of treaty obligations.
But the French and other nations objected on grounds of principle and practicality.
Communities and nations object to waste from elsewhere.
The two nations objected strongly, and in 1828 a new survey redefined the western Arkansas border.
Several nations objected to being on the list.
Major industrial nations and the nuclear powers object to an exhaustive list.
But Washington erased those and all other references to the zones from the draft after several nations objected, the diplomats said.
But poor nations object to environmental targets or strong language that would require costly intervention on their part.