"I hope the nation will rally behind him."
There are several theorized ways in which specific African nations can rally the resources for such projects.
Otherwise this is a cause our whole nation should rally behind now and not later.
His support soared to historic highs as the nation rallied around him.
"If something else horrible happens, does the nation instinctively rally around the president?"
Keeping terror suspects from buying guns seems like an issue the entire nation can rally around.
This nation must rally to the point where we recognize there is no compromise.
Five years ago, the nation rallied around a president who promised vengeance against those responsible for the atrocity of 9/11.
The nation rallied behind its leader long enough to expel the state sponsors of evil in Afghanistan.
Early hopes that the nation would rally to help the city overcome the devastating economic impact of Sept. 11 appear to have been misplaced.