All 12 nations retain normal passport controls on travelers arriving from outside the community.
Each nation represented at the Council table or on any of its subordinate committees retains complete sovereignty and responsibility for its own decisions.
And most important, each nation retains the primary right to try its own nationals in a fair trial under its own laws.
But the nation does retain the capacity to surprise.
The southern part of this land was recently invaded and occupied by Mulhorand, while only a small nation at the north end retains their freedom.
Since each nation still retained a devastating retaliatory capability, even the military establishments eventually welcomed it.
Russia, as well as many other nations, retains mainly a conscript army.
Though highly decentralized, Spain is not a federation since the nation - as represented in the central institutions of government - retains full sovereignty.
The nation retained its autonomy, but the tribe in Mississippi submitted to state and federal laws.
Each nation retains the right to classi a film as they see fit, but what they can't do is cut bits out.