Before we all hand over our cash lets hear from our government how much and what support the surrounding wealthy nations are supplying and what they;ve supplied in the past.
The discoveries raised the question of what nations had supplied components like centrifuges, which intelligence officials said have not been assembled in the "cascade" necessary to begin weapons-grade fuel production.
Lest the American troops not appear evenhanded, the Dayton plan promises that unspecified other nations may supply and train the Muslims in heavy weaponry, someday after six months.
In winter, Tajik dams accumulated water, and the fossil-fuel-rich downstream nations supplied Tajikistan with oil and gas to compensate for forgone hydroelectricity generation.
We furnish stability through a U.N. force, and the developed nations supply the financial aid needed for economic and social development.
Both nations have supplied arms to Chad's forces, which have pushed the Libyans out of much of Chad over the last eight months.
It is by no means clear that the afflicted nations and international organizations are supplying sufficient resources.
There appears to be no open call for volunteers to join the International Brigades, however, economic organization is advanced as a weapon particularly in nations supplying arms to the nationalist cause.
In the meantime, Mr. Pronk said, the African Union force needs help with items like helicopters and technology that only wealthier nations can supply.
Non-OPEC nations were at that time supplying most of the West's imports.