The national bill for rectifying those faults alone is some £350 million.
In 2003, the national bill for the hardware for fusion alone was estimated to have soared to $2.5 billion a year.
Despite such arguments, a move is gaining steam to revive a national bill limiting members of Parliament and state legislatures to two children.
Experts put the national bill for computer retooling at $600 billion.
Nearly half of the May setback reflected a higher national bill for imported oil.
The mean healthcare costs were $17,015 and the "national bill" or the aggregate charges were $749,553,403.
That's a national bill that benefits everyone.
Between Medicare and private insurers, the national bill for the hardware alone has soared to $2.5 billion a year, he said.
The total national bill for child-care services reached $15.5 billion in 1987, the report said, and, according to Congressional figures, is still rising.
Without effective cost containment, the national bill for dialysis would be far higher.