They were preceded by pipers, who played national airs.
During this period, particulate matter concentrations frequently exceeded national ambient air quality standards.
The nearest national air service can be reached at Bradley International Airport in Connecticut.
Areas of the country where air pollution levels persistently exceed the national ambient air quality standards may be designated "nonattainment."
Also the Brigade Band will "perform select national airs."
This includes the national air and water pollution programs, solid and hazardous waste handling, and enforcement activities.
From the time that The Lutheran Hour went off the national air in 1931, Maier never stopped working for its return.
Belize City is the hub for both national and international air, sea and road travel.
The local community's proposed commercial airport plan would generate an estimated 38,000 new jobs while helping to improve national air transportation safety and soundness.
She was the first Chinese national to have her music videos air on national television in China in the 1980s.