Such national antagonisms afflicted France and Germany after World War II, he replied, but their political leaders, Charles de Gaulle and Konrad Adenauer, defused the anger.
There is an enormous concern about 187, but at the same time, it is not a national antagonism of Mexicans against Americans.
Rudolf Jung was born in Plasy and went to school in Jihlava, a town fractured by national antagonisms.
"We must be strong if we are to have any hope of overcoming the national antagonisms which may well re-emerge in Europe."
The national antagonisms between the warring parties were accentuated by religious differences before the war, with France, Italy and Belgium being largely Catholic.
The President used strong terms tonight to condemn the inciting of national antagonisms.
He expressly rejected the notion that "the world is a jungle of competing national antagonisms," and that military and economic prowess should be the determining factors in world affairs.
But he also had an urgent political need to calm the national antagonism that had developed over Vietnam draft resistance and evasion.
The Spartacist League has criticized this, arguing that it is a distortion of Lenin's position and that Quebec independence would further the goal of socialism by removing national antagonisms amongst the working class.
And Nyvan's curse of national antagonism would prevent a unified planetary response to the problem, which was the only response that could ever stand a chance of working.