The current shift toward moderation was also noted by Ann Stone, national chairwoman of Republicans for Choice, an advocacy group.
She became national chairwoman of the Communist Party of the United States in 1961.
Her stature among radicals only enhanced by the conviction, Whitney was named the national chairwoman of the Communist Party in 1936.
She was also the WI's first national chairwoman, who stayed in post for nearly 40 years.
Susan Khalje, the association's national chairwoman, said members must provide references of their work as dressmakers.
His mother is the national chairwoman of corporate and foundation relations at Hadassah, the Jewish women's organization in New York.
Angela Merkel, the party's national chairwoman, said on German television, "I am very happy today."
(Mrs. Clinton is the organization's national honorary chairwoman.)
Elizabeth Taylor, the national chairwoman of the group, is to address auctiongoers before tonight's sale.
She was also the organization secretary and national chairwoman of the American Student Union.