The national confederation was split into smaller regional ones, which were again broken down into smaller trade unions.
These operate independently of clubs and for the most part do not receive support from the Ministry of Sports or the Brazilian national confederation.
Ms. Sivryukova, president of the national confederation of Kazakh charities, was delighted.
Generally, several unions are represented inside large companies or administrations, normally with one from each of the main national confederation of unions and possibly independent unions.
Labour councils held relative autonomy from the larger national confederation.
Country size, for instance, appears to be related to the propensity to centralise collective bargaining authority within national confederations.
In English: national confederation of wine producers), chaired by François Chambovet.
The regional confederations send representative delegations-again on the same basis-to the national plenary assembly, which constitutes the national confederation.
They send representatives that can speak, but not vote, at the national and regional confederations.