"Authorities refuse to comment, but it's believed that a national manhunt for several fugitives from the facility is now under way."
The subject of national manhunt, Corbett was captured in Vancouver, British Columbia in October of that year.
After six years as a fugitive, and an intensive national manhunt, he was arrested by Mexican authorities 18 months ago.
Published in the Romanian press, these resulted in a national manhunt for Pântea.
Have you ever been part of a national manhunt?
On October 26, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) began a national manhunt for Persico.
During a national manhunt for Mansoor, he was difficult to catch or identify.
DeBardeleben was identified as the suspect in these crimes, and a national manhunt ensued.
She became the subject of a national manhunt and next appeared to the Nicaraguan public on the pages of La Prensa, the nation's opposition newspaper.
A national manhunt immediately commenced, and the Young brothers were quickly tracked to a rented room in Houston, Texas.