Discouraged by the national outlook, 40 states have taken up the matter, demonstrating the power of the issue for the anti-abortion movement.
The Guardian is owned by a member of an ethnic minority and has a national outlook in terms of reach and content.
But they are helping to gradually reshape the national outlook.
The administration's announcement comes as the national economic outlook is uncertain and the city could be facing significant fiscal setbacks.
"but I say if we're going to have a voice in national affairs, we have to take a national outlook once in a while."
Burke had long argued for a national outlook and sense of unity among the country's Catholics.
Weekend View includes local and national outlooks for the day as well as lifestyle segments.
A national outlook over such a matter was hardly in her character.
A prolonged bear market darkens the national outlook.
His position on issues indicated a national rather than regional outlook, though he did not ignore his constituents.