Golder was credited with taking over the program and building it into "a national powerhouse."
During his tenure, he built the programs into a national powerhouse and won multiple conference championships.
By 1960, the Cavaliers had become a true national powerhouse drum corps, but that did not make things easy.
During its first 40 years, Rice's football program was a regional and national powerhouse.
During the 1990s and 2000s, the Duke women's basketball program has become a national powerhouse.
The last 15 games between these national powerhouses have been settled by two or fewer goals.
And he isn't interested in raising public capital to build another national powerhouse.
It has been a long time since Georgia was a national powerhouse in college football.
Gorzów is a national powerhouse in water polo for decades.
Like the Duquesnes, that team became a national powerhouse in football for the next two years.