The 21st amendment ended national prohibition in early December.
The effort failed and the national prohibition of alcohol was repealed in December 1933.
Article 7(1) of the Regulation allows member states to maintain national prohibition on these goods.
The number of approving towns fell each year until there were only 18 in 1917, shortly before national prohibition became law.
To top it off, he was a wet who strongly opposed national prohibition.
When he signed the 18th Amendment into law, Indiana became the final state needed to add it to the federal constitution, beginning national prohibition.
In the United States, clip joints were widespread during the national prohibition of alcohol from 1920 to 1933.
Upon repeal of national prohibition, 18 states continued prohibition at the state level.
As president he conducted an anti-alcohol campaign and wanted to institute national prohibition, which had recently been tried in the United States.
The trip takes place in late 1919, just before the imposition of national prohibition of alcohol.