The Stela symbolizes the national rebirth of Armenians.
The key elements are that fascism can be defined by its core myth, namely that of "national rebirth" - palingenesis.
It is thought that in period between 1816 and1848 more than 3 300 students attended the school which had enormous impact on intelligence and national rebirth of Serbs.
Q. In both your books, you suggest that the United States will enjoy a kind of national rebirth once it sets up a Mars colonization program.
Why do we need a national rebirth?
In modern Lithuania, Vytautas is revered as a national hero and was an important figure in the national rebirth in the 19th century.
After 1803 the town developed as a center of national rebirth for Slavic Bohemians.
Only, the revolution of 1917 allowed the creation of Ukrainian organisations, which were linked with the national and political rebirth in Ukraine.
The 44-meter stele symbolizes the national rebirth of the Armenians.
Its goals are democracy and independence through national rebirth and rebuilding after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.