Plants now store nuclear waste on site, waiting for a national repository.
These discipline-oriented centers serve as national repositories and dissemination facilities for global environmental data.
It has begun to send more than 350 scores to lay the groundwork for a national repository available to all Iraqi musical organizations.
It is expected that this site will become Japan's national Deep geological repository for nuclear waste.
A national repository for spent fuel, which was to open in 1998, probably won't be available until the next century, said Ms. Wheeless.
Act as a national repository for the genetic resources of these crops.
Then, in the 1980's, the federal government proposed a national repository where spent reactor fuel could be buried.
After that, commission officials expect the fuel to be sent to a national repository for permanent disposal.
There is still no national repository for registration information on investment advisers, although efforts to compile one are under way.
Oliver & Boyd's new Edinburgh almanac and national repository for the year 1886.