He made national reunification one of his principal goals.
The first years of what is officially known as national reunification were harsh for the people who lived in the defeated south.
"But for national reunification psychologically it will take several decades more."
After the national reunification in 1975, this system was extended to the provinces of former South Vietnam.
The whole nation in the north and the south and overseas should strengthen solidarity with one another on the way to national reunification.
Those who have contributed to the great unity of the nation and to the cause of national reunification should be highly estimated.
"A decisive moment for national reunification will occur within the next 10 years," he said.
It later became national following reunification with South Vietnam on July 2, 1976.
The most crucial of the issues of national reunification, however, remain unresolved: the issue of Taiwan.
Agricultural production, the backbone of Vietnam's main development strategy, varied considerably from year to year following national reunification in 1975.