Hostility to Catholics had a long history based on national rivalries in Europe.
It isn't national rivalry any more, and probably won't be for quite a while.
The 20th century, in particular, was dominated by a series of destructive national rivalries that left battlefields and graveyards across the earth.
This has led to the development of friendly national rivalries between the main sporting nations that have often defined their relations with each another.
Yugoslavia's economic problems are are complicated by this country's ancient national rivalries.
I pray that this national rivalry between our two great countries will now end.
But the progress of the construction has been delayed by national rivalries.
This international event, though, has an edge of national rivalry that cuts the cuteness and lifts it to a much more serious level.
Regardless of the national rivalry, the two groups continue to cooperate in many city governments.
Luna, her friend, described Artemis as a "neutral ground," where politics and national rivalries are left at the door.