In addition, there is a national shortage of 240,000 one-bedroom properties.
In the mid 1970s, due to the national shortage of sisters, the teaching staff became predominantly professional educators.
Before people learn to cut back, we will have to have a national shortage coupled with gas prices of up to $4 a gallon.
"We're trying to hire a special educator, and there's a national critical shortage at the K-12 level."
This development has created a national and international shortage of staff with appropriate IT skills.
They served on a council addressing a national shortage of skilled office workers.
The department's low forecast of demand this year, he said, led to national shortages despite several increases to the quota.
The education authority says there's a national shortage of teachers, but the parents say their youngsters' education is suffering.
With production decreasing in other states, too, a national shortage of milk followed, producing a sharp price rise.
A national shortage of nurses made hospital recruitment difficult.