Recent events have led to national soul-searching about the ethics that underpin private sector activity and public institutions.
But in the national soul-searching now under way, many are asking how long this will continue.
Inevitably, today's massacre will provoke national soul-searching.
With the lagging United States economic performance, a great national soul-searching is starting.
Patrick Purdy, the Stockton, Calif., schoolyard killer, might have inspired national soul-searching about violence in American life.
In a case that caused national soul-searching, a woman riding the subway with her dog last year refused to clean up after it defecated in the car.
But then again it wasn't the subject of national soul-searching, either.
In Germany, the series catalyzed national soul-searching.
The firebombing stirred national soul-searching.
Canadian Soul-Searching Canadians are going through one of their periodic bouts of national soul-searching.