There is not a good word you will get from any bourgeoise writing in this paper for the nationalised industries.
And except in one particular, it applies with equal force to nationalised industries.
Power at the Top: a critical survey of the nationalised industries (1959).
The nationalised industry announced that it is to close 31 pits, which will result in 30,000 job losses.
On a number of grounds, however, these statistics are misleading for private and, in particular, nationalised industry.
There are further enormous complications in the case of nationalised industries.
The bodies were set up to deal with consumers who travel using nationalised industries, not private bus companies.
This nationalised industry stood in the way and had to go.
The problems faced when assessing the performance of a nationalised industry are even more serious.
For many years both companies had been associated in the public's mind as loss-making nationalised industries.