This work was written in 1910, at a time when Stenhammar, a Swedish nationalist composer, sought to wed classical influences with local folk accents.
Smetana, a Bohemian, was the first great Czech nationalist composer.
As such, he can clearly be regarded, tonally speaking, as a Danish nationalist composer.
This stylistic aspect became used by every Russian nationalist composer.
May 30 - Ferdo Livadić, nationalist composer (died 1879)
Like many other nationalist composers, he integrated national folk elements with western music structure.
Salgado was not an exclusively nationalist composer, as the varied style of his eight symphonies shows.
All of these composers have been relegated by official musical historiography, which only recognizes the work of nationalist composers.
The society published the works of Engel and the other Jewish nationalist composers, and organized concerts throughout Russia.
Although in his time he was an often-performed American nationalist composer, his works are seldom played now.