There was a strong nationalist element in the motivation for collecting folk song.
In 1929-1932 a political shifted occurred, as nationalist elements of the party, including Kuular, were purged.
Contrary to Nietzsche, Pannwitz also included nationalist and mythical elements in his use of the term.
The conflict became a keyword for the extreme nationalist elements within the military junta that controlled the country until 1983.
Even that relatively small advance required serious arm-twisting by the Turkish President, who encountered stiff resistance from nationalist elements within his own party.
As most of the higher ecclesiastical posts were held by Germans, there was also a nationalist element to the movement.
Simultaneously off the pitch and sometimes even on it, he was the victim of constant verbal abuse from the nationalist elements of Rijeka fans.
Though unprepared for and not expecting an uprising, the nationalist elements in Damascus were eager to participate when one arose.
While there, he presented numerous concerts of Spanish music; a Spanish nationalist element is predominant in his own works.
We need this protection, because some nationalist elements in that countries legalise their political influence by oppressing Hungarians.