The former tried to win by describing the latter as dangerous nationalist extremists and relying on votes of ethnic Serbs.
Leaving asylum seekers at the mercy of violent nationalist extremists is not an acceptable option.
Today, the first part of the song is popular with nationalist extremists.
They were designed to redress grievances by putting an end to persecution by Albanian nationalist extremists.
Vladimir V. Zhirinovsky, the nationalist extremist who has so alarmed the West, may also fail to win a place in the legislature.
Kosovska Mitrovica became the focus for ethnic clashes between the two communities, exacerbated by the presence of nationalist extremists on both sides.
Only the nationalist extremists around Vladimir Zhirinovsky offered much encouragement.
United Nations officials attempt to restore order in the province and blame the unrest on nationalist extremists on both sides.
He was at first described by many in the media as a Christian fundamentalist, Christian terrorist, nationalist and right-wing extremist.
Rigidly rejecting their overtures would simply strengthen nationalist extremists like Vladimir Zhirinovsky.