In the period October-November 1974, they killed more nationalist fighters than in the previous two years combined.
"We ran into Chetniks three times, but they didn't notice us," he said in a reference to the Serbian nationalist fighters.
South Ossetia's nationalist fighters were estimated to number 3,000, although they had no united command structure.
The groups, made up of Iraqi nationalist fighters, have floated their proposal through Sunni Arab negotiators, Mr. Suneid said in a telephone interview.
The nationalist fighters retreated into a defensive ambush position on the banks, beneath the roots of some overhanging trees.
"The Serbs are arming the population and creating Chetnik groups" - paramilitary nationalist fighters.
Infantry and tank units of the Yugoslav Army have dislodged nationalist fighters from several others.
The nationalist fighters, split into two groups, then moved towards Rhodesia, one team heading south-west and the other south.
In a pattern that their nationalist fighters describe as "ethnic cleansing," Serbs have driven Muslims from wide swaths of the republic.
Hennell was captured by Indonesian nationalist fighters in Batavia in November 1945 and was presumed to have been killed shortly thereafter.