More than 90 years ago, when Turkey was still part of the Ottoman Empire, Turkish nationalists launched an extermination campaign there that killed 1.5 million Armenians.
At 1:00 PM, the nationalists launched another round of offensive with their new tactic.
In support of the Bogsiders, nationalists and Catholics launched protests elsewhere in Northern Ireland.
After concluding the nationalists would not launch anymore counterattacks, the Communist finally declared a victory on August 10, 1945.
In 1798, Irish nationalists launched the Irish Rebellion of 1798, believing that the French would help them to overthrow the British.
In November 1954, nationalists who later came to be known as the National Liberation Front launched an armed struggle against French rule.
In an attempt to eradicate the enemy and secure the city, the nationalists launched an offensive against the communists in late February.
Between the period of 1865 to 1870, Irish nationalists launched a number of raids to strike back at the British Empire.
Although the nationalists launched attacks on the communist positions with battalions and regiments, all of them were successfully repelled.
Realizing the dangerous situation, the nationalists launched several counterattacks, but all were beaten back with stubborn enemy resistance.