This was compatible with the union's liberal nationalist line.
However, the labour movement was split on nationalist lines.
There was also little sign of the strongly Irish nationalist line he would adopt during his subsequent career in Ireland.
The dissension spread to the crew, which was divided along nationalist lines.
In the initial stages, Dange's nationalist line was the dominant one.
Mr. Cardenas urges a nationalist economic line, including a moratorium on foreign debt.
Seeing the country's breakup and the further increase in violence along nationalist lines, he urged the Clinton administration to take military action.
An essential element in this new beginning is that the disastrous fragmentation of the population on nationalist lines should be halted.
Hence, the need for setting up an institution which would impart education along nationalist lines was strongly felt by the luminaries of the period.
This eventually led a split in the party, with those opposed to the new "nationalist" line leaving in 1978.