Nations wounded in their national pride usually turn to far more aggressive nationalist myths than a cult of language.
Even the birds, which swarm over Pristina to settle in its trees at night, are woven into the nationalist myth.
If you want a female nationalist myth then Boudicca is both older and better.
Justice has helped to demolish nationalist myths.
The latest scholarship, Wickham explains, has made it possible to look at the period "without hindsight," without moral judgments, grand theories, or modern nationalist myths.
Cetinje is the epicenter of Montenegrin nationalism and the physical embodiment of the new nationalist myth.
Besides their social background, nationalist myths have also a psychological explanation which is connected with nationalist myth of stable homeland community.
The nationalist myth of Christians vs. Muslims belies a pluralistic reality.
And "even in defeat," Hedges writes, the Argentines initially "could not let go of the nationalist myth."
Theirs is a country whose nationalist myth has as its founding event a defeat - the Battle of Kosovo, lost to the Turks in 1389.