While the party has positioned itself as anti-government with several nationalist slogans, it has voted in favour of practically every major government initiative.
Gangs of flag-waving youths chant nationalist slogans from the back of trucks which race up and down.
The crowd chanted nationalist Palestinian slogans and "God is Great!"
They raised hundreds of Palestinian flags, chanted nationalist slogans and pelted military posts with stones.
He blames politicians in Kiev for sacrificing economic reform for the sake of nationalist slogans.
Instead, they jumped to join those who had been, moments before, their "nationalist enemies" - and adopted nationalist slogans as their own.
They fined owners if their walls were covered with nationalist slogans, or forced them to paint them clean.
The riot started after worshipers leaving the mosque tore up an Israeli flag while chanting nationalist slogans.
The brawl reportedly developed after fans taunted each other with nationalist slogans.