"Reasoning in nationalist terms does not make sense anymore."
In its campaign for the 2008 Kiev local elections the party also used less ethnic nationalist terms and it relied more on a strong anti-establishment, populist and anti-corruption rhetoric.
Kirghizia, a largely agricultural area, is also part of Central Asia, which has long been regarded as relatively quiescent in nationalist terms.
In Moscow, it is increasingly fashionable to speak in nationalist terms and to regard Western promises of aid as derisory or even subversive.
Third, the program was conceived exclusively in nationalist terms.
At the same time, there is no reason to believe that Picasso viewed art in nationalist terms.
In recent months, as international criticism of Brazil's management of the Amazon has grown, Mr. Sarney has sought to cast the issue in nationalist terms.
Unlike most Irish republicans of this era, O'Donnell did not see the republican cause solely in Irish nationalist terms.
These are the official justifications, expressed in political and nationalist terms.
I conclude by saying that I have no time for the arguments of those who view enlargement in selfish nationalist budgetary terms.