He also agitated for a United States of Europe (a contemporary nationalist vision originated by Mazzini).
This nationalist vision has its origins in the Hebrew Bible, and endures among Jews today.
For such people, 10 or 15 years ago the nationalist vision of apartheid had become a nightmare.
Centuries of migration and colonization have produced an ethnic checkerboard, confounding nationalist visions of homogeneous and compact states.
His nationalist vision also appealed to many who resented the nation's strategic alliance with India and the Soviet Union.
In the years after the 1918 Armistice, Pankhurst continued to promote her nationalist vision of British unity.
He owned a printing press which helped him to propagate his nationalist vision through pamphlets, booklets and ephemeral literature.
Former aides say that both moves were essential to Mr. Vajpayee's nationalist vision of a secure, competitive India.
The growing interest in world governance in Asia represents an alternative approach to official messages, dominated by states' nationalist visions.
Another source of the Bulgarian national revival was the Romantic nationalist vision of a people sharing oral traditions and practices.