The nationalists see nuclear arms as a symbol of power and don't want to give them up.
The Indian nationalists in Goa wanted their country to join with the new independent state of India.
Religious nationalists, an increasingly virulent force in Russia, do not want anything to do with a state ceremony honoring Nicholas.
The Catholic republicans, or nationalists, want to join the Republic of Ireland.
The most extreme nationalists wanted complete separation from England.
The nationalists want a general unconditional amnesty for all exiles.
But some Catalan nationalists wanted more.
He wants to devolve power from a rigid central bureaucracy, but some nationalists want to shatter the union altogether.
The nationalists recognized that the uprising had been defeated and wanted to stop fighting, unlike the Partisans who were determined to continue the struggle.
The hard-line nationalists want to build a Quebec that is not open to minorities.